Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Favorite Topic

     If you had read any of my blogs, then you know how passionate I am about anything extraterrestrial.  I've read many books on the subject, followed along with the conspiracy theorists and scan the skies every chance I get.  Probably the best video, in my opinion, was the one I watched that had a panel of several people who were doctors, scientists, and ex-military personnel talking to a group of press and news people.  Every person took their turn to tell of their experience with actual contact with an extraterrestrial being, some sort of space craft or undeniable proof of a government cover up.

     Imagine my excitement when I discovered there was a TV show being aired this past Sunday about the structures on the moon!  Of course, this was perfect timing, Sunday happened to be the 45th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing.

     The show was interesting, but much of it I had seen before, through searches on the internet.  If someone was seeing this information for the first time, I wondered if they felt the same way I did.  Why has it taken so long for this to be given to the public?

     My biggest concern was all the doom and gloom associated with this discovery.  That we should be very concerned.  That our moon may not be ours and we should consider doing something about it.


     First of all, if there really are structures on the moon, built by some one or thing other than us, don't you think it's safe to bet they are a tad bit more technically advanced than we are?  I mean, come on, it only took the human race a few hundred millennium to get to the moon in the first place and there are scores of people who really don't believe we have been there at all.

     Second, why is the first reaction the human race seems to have at  something new or unknown is to throw something at it?   We started with rocks and have worked our way up to missiles that can blast a target hundreds of miles away.  

     What has happened to extending friendship and goodwill towards others?  Sure, they might be cloaked in a Trojan Horse, but if they want to annihilate us, I think they probably could have already done it.  I'm beginning to think they are probably just sitting back waiting for us to annihilate ourselves, then they can come in, clean up the mess and get on with whatever it is they do.

     I don't know what to think about it.  I have many questions, as I'm sure most of us would.  I do know that the masses are not easily controlled when given too much information and that is usually passed along as being for our own good.  After all, we do tend to get nasty when we find out we've been lied to.

     What ever is out there, I may be first in line to holler, "Beam me up, Scottie!" 


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