Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In The Last Few Days

     In the last few days, I have learned many things....

      1.  I am weak but He is strong.  For those of you who never learned this song as a child, please move forward to #2.

     2.  Last weekend was my husband's 45th class reunion.  No matter how hard you try, you will not look the same as you did 45 years ago.  Try and tell that to a new graduate.....45 years might as well be light years to them.  If you are wearing the same style of clothes as you did 45 years ago, someone will notice.

     3.  Sometimes things really aren't as bad as they seem.  They may still not be pleasant, but the only other alternative may be death, so which would you really choose?

     4.  You can't herd cats.  Nope, not going to happen.  They herd you.  Just watch them as you walk up the sidewalk.  If you walk on one side, they will move to that side.  Change positions and they will too.  Never take your eyes off of them though, when you do is when they will trip you up.  I think they do that on purpose.

     5.  It's always a good idea if you don't know the answer....ask someone who does.  Usually, this is a free service.

     6.  From my husband's class reunion I learned that it is not necessary to go to the Eye Dr.  One of his classmates has the perfect system.  The cheater readers available in the big box stores. In order to perfect the bi or tri-focal requirements, all one must do is buy three different strengths of cheaters.  First, find the one that makes it easy to read.  Second, go up one strength, this pair will be stacked on top of the first pair in order to read smaller print.  Third, go up one more strength, if the print is really small this pair can be stacked in front of the other two for damn near perfect vision.  He brought me three pairs this week......and it works.  Really, I'm not making this up.

       7.  The replacement element for my oven cost $15.  Since it is bigger and does more work, surely is worth more than the four burners on the top of my stove.  Why does the entire unit cost over $300?

     8.  Waving the white flag is not always a bad thing.

     9.  Being honest is a virtue.  Being smart may have more benefits.

     10.  When you carry a yellow cat to the garage, to be put in for the night, wearing a black shirt, your shirt will no longer be black...and the cat will not thank you.


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