As a young girl, my mother watched her father work the fields with a horse drawn plow. I can recall many road trips with her when she would stare out across the farm land, watching huge combines clear a field of corn or beans and she would say, " I wonder what my dad would think, if he could see the way farming is done today?"
We've put a man on the moon, though some would beg to differ.
We have been able to successfully transplant hearts, livers and numerous other organs from one body to another. We can carry a phone in our pocket and instant message someone on the other side of the country in seconds. We can nuke an entire meal in a matter of minutes in a box that sits in our kitchens. We have satellites that orbit the earth with cameras capable of reading the label in the back of our shirts, well, that might be a stretch, but they can read the licence plate on your car.
We can do so many amazing things, things that were completely unheard of, not so many years ago, except one.
We can't find a jet plane with a 200 foot wingspan.
Today is day five of the search and rescue efforts for Flight MH370, the Boeing 777 jetliner that simply disappeared this past Saturday. As of this morning, there has not been one shred of evidence as to the plane's whereabouts.
This has me completely baffled. Yes, I realize the ocean is a vast place and sometimes looking for something in it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But someone, somewhere, had to see or hear something. As one expert put it, "Planes at altitude cruising levels simply don't just fall out of the sky." And if it did fall out of the sky, it fell somewhere.
Even though the news media is referring to the efforts more as search instead of rescue, there are still 239 people unaccounted for. Each one of those people have many someones wanting to know what has happened. Their families are growing weary of not having some kind of answer. I cannot imagine what that kind of hopelessness feels like.
My request for you today, is don't forget about this. This story has already been pushed to the inside pages of the daily paper. Keep these people in your thoughts and if you pray, keep them there too. Send some good positive thought waves to the people who are actually looking for the plane. It's out there, somewhere, and even though the majority of us can not be there physically to help, we can be there mentally. Thoughts are powerful things, if enough of us keep focused on where the plane is, then we can, in fact, be a part of the search, and hopefully rescue, team.
Please, be a part of the human race that has not only advanced in technology, but is advancing leaps and bounds in spirituality.
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