Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I Find This Disturbing

     The internet is an amazing place.  We can find more information on just about anything our minds can imagine right under our finger tips.  We get angry when we see our children spend an unbelievable amount of time playing video games, but I would guess there are just as many adults glued to their computer screens, or phone screens, endlessly searching cyberspace.

     One online topic that is getting a lot of attention these days is the new way of teaching children in this country called Common Core. A major complaint about Common Core is the math problems.  

     Most of my readers know how I feel about math.  I've seen some pictures of the Common Core math problems and I thank my lucky stars I'm not in school anymore.  The proponents of this type of math say it is important to understand how and why 4-1=3 and not come to that conclusion mindlessly, by memory.  (mindless memory may be a new oxymoron)  

     That may be fine if someone is going to be a quantum physicists, and in my next life maybe I will be, but for now basic math skills suit me fine.  I know that if I have 4 chickens in the chicken coop at night and the next morning I only have 3 chickens, there is a hole in the coop, one satisfied fox and 3 lucky chickens....the how and the why.

     The other day while looking at some of the Common Core worksheets that were posted online, I came across one that really bothered me.  At the bottom of the page was a story about what the future would be like.  A student is transported through time and is experiencing life in this country 500 years from now, in the form of a hologram.  I'm a little vague about who was giving the student the tour, and I'll explain my vagueness in a bit.  Anyway, the tour guide is telling the student that the state of Kansas is now the east coast because the people of planet Earth didn't take care of the earth and didn't listen to the warnings about climate change/global warming.  The oceans rose and covered most of the eastern part of the country and the Rocky Mountains were called an island.  The story ended with the guide telling the student that there were not near as many people around, like there used to be, but the people finally wised up and learned to take care of what was left of the planet.

     The reason for not being able to give you more information about this particular story is I can't find it.  It's gone.  The internet is an amazing place but it's also kind of creepy.  I had the article saved and when I pulled it up to review, that part of the article had been edited.  

     Maybe it was false.  Maybe that one screen shot of some kids' Common Core homework sheet was bogus.  I certainly hope so because that was the biggest piece of political propaganda that I have ever seen.

     Kansas is going to be the east coast?  The population is a lot smaller?  Really?  What happened to the people?  Did the oceans rise overnight to the Kansas state line and drown them all?  I highly doubt that, so again, I ask, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PEOPLE?  

     Think about that for a while.  The conclusion you may come to isn't pretty.  This is the stuff we want the future generations to learn?  

     I wrote about climate change just the other day and the facts that people ignore.  The facts, that scientists and science are proving, is that the people running around screaming that the planet is heating up are wrong.  The powers that be though, don't want you and I to listen to those facts.  

     The following is taken from an article written in 2012 titled "Sorry Global Warming Alarmist, The Earth Is Cooling" and it is about the seventh International Climate Change Conference, held in Chicago.  "The conference featured serious natural science, contrary to the self-interested political science you hear from government financed global warming alarmists seeking to justify widely expanded regulatory and taxation powers for government bodies, or government wannabees, such as the United Nations."  (underline added)

     We need to take back our children.

     I encourage you to read the entire article, you can find it here:



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