We all grew up with them. Upon our first encounter, we may not have understood their meaning, but after repeated use, the light bulb usually came on, we had an "Ah ha!" moment, and then used them ourselves.
Mother's favorite old saying was, 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'. I had no idea what that meant and it conjured up a picture of an old wheel and a oil can, the small kind with a long narrow spout fixed on a small can. The oil came out by applying pressure to the bottom of the can with your thumb. Yes, I'm old, now a days, kids would picture a can of WD40.
I did finally figure out that if you griped, wailed or just raised a stink long enough, someone would appease you for either your cause, or just to get you to shut up.
If you ever want to make a lasting memorable impression remember this, 'actions speak louder than words'. This can go either way, you can make a fool out of yourself or you can perform an act of great kindness. Regardless of what it is, people will remember what you did far longer than what you said. I think too, we could add a couple of words to the end of it, 'actions speak louder than words, or money.' Your kids will never say to you, "Remember that time we spent $200?", but they will always remember the day you taught them to fish.
One of my favorites is 'it's not what you say, it's how you say it.' Take the following sentence: I didn't take the money. Now say that sentence five times, putting emphasis on one word starting with "I" then "didn't" and so forth. Each time, it takes on a new meaning. The next time you are all up in someones' face, wagging your finger and bobbing your head back and forth, remember that. Also, refer back to the previous paragraph because whoever you're talking to just quit listening.
Life is full of disappointments, like a card game, 'you win some, you lose some'. Disappointments build character and if we were to win all the time, we wouldn't learn a thing. 'The darkest hours are just before dawn', so 'look on the bright side' and remember, 'every cloud has a silver lining'.
'Some things are better left unsaid' and that is 'easier said than done'. Don't 'burn your bridges' with people because someday you may need them. Besides, if you haven't 'walked a mile in their shoes', you don't really know what they are going through and it might be best to 'let sleeping dogs lie'.
Let's keep passing along old sayings, before some yayhoo comes along and tells us they are not politically correct. They are words to live by and they make us think. If we stop thinking for ourselves then 'necessity being the mother of invention' will end up with 'all good things must come to an end'.
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