Boy if'n this country ain't in a fine howdoyado. Seems like everybody's fightin' with everybody else. Folks is upset. They're upset with the government, they're upset with the economy and even the religious groups can't seem to agree on anything. Yesindeedeedo, times is hard, then there's this insurance thing.
Take for instance Mr. & Mrs. Wirip, (WhenItRainsItPours). They're probably not too different than millions of other Americans. They own their own business and have worked hard all their lives.
When the economy took a down turn, so did their business, but they still kept pluggin' away, finding other ventures and ideas to keep their heads above water. Since they were self employed they had to buy their own health insurance. Their premiums were over $600 a month with a $10,000 deductible. Soon those premiums went to almost $800 a month. They thought, "What to do?", so they called up their insurance fella and had the deductible raised to $15,000. That helped a bit and the premiums went back down to about $600.
Mr. & Mrs. Wirip were pretty healthy folk, but I'll be darned if'n they didn't both end up in the emergency room in the same year. Mr. Wirip had a bout with pneumonia in the Spring and Mrs. Wirip had a bad case of food poisoning come Summer. She told me she thought fer sure she was headed fer the Pearly Gates.
Those two mini vacations at the hospital totaled over $4000 and it wasn't long after that the premiums had crept back up to $800. Mr. & Mrs. Wirip made a grave decision to drop their health insurance. They crossed their fingers and said a prayer that they'd stay healthy long enough to get this new health insurance thing the government was touting.
Mr. & Mrs. Wirip got online to see what kind of health insurance they could get and found a plan that was pretty close to what they had, other than it had maternity benefits. Mrs. Wirip said if'n that happened, just take her out behind the barn and shoot her. They checked to see if'n they qualified for a tax break and sure enough, they did. Their premium was going to be about $95 a month.
Mr. Wirip got out the bottle of Bailey's to celebrate but Mrs. Wirip turned to me and said, "What is that old sayin'? If'n it looks to good to be true......."
Then there's Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa. That's pronounced,
(I wif bla thanlay) and stands for, IfItWeren'tForBadLuckThey'dHaveNoLuckAtAll. This poor guy just can't seem to catch a break. Several months ago he borrowed a truck to haul some rock. Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa accidentally backed into a telephone pole with this truck and wouldn't you know it, the pole broke.
The pole was still standin' but the wires it was holdin' up were a whole lot more droopy now. Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa was scrambling to make sure things didn't go much worse when all of a sudden, an 18 wheeler come roarin' down the road. That big ole' truck caught those droopy wires and all Hell began to break loose. Wires were snappin' off buildings and chunks of metal were flyin' by so fast that Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa didn't even have time to duck for cover. It was a mess.
To make a long story short, nine months later Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa got a surprise, and it wasn't a baby. Nosirree, nine months and three insurance companies later, Mr. Iiwfblthnlaa got a bill from the phone company for $26,000.
Let me tell ya, Mrs. Iiwfblthnlaa wasn't too happy cos' she wanted to know who he'd been talkin' to.
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