Thursday, October 3, 2013

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.....

     There's nothing better than a good conspiracy theory and I'm a devoted fan.  I am a firm believer that there are things the higher ups don't want us to know.  I may be getting the proverbial eye roll about now, but just do a little research on sugar and salt and see what you learn.  Those two are not even on my favorite conspiracy theories list and they don't even show up on an internet search, which by the way, will give you over fifty thousand theories places to choose from.  

     I'm pretty sure that conspiracy theories have been around for a long time.  Just think about all the books and scrolls that were lost in the fire of the Library of Alexandria, way back in 48 BC.  That library was considered to have the largest collection of information of the entire ancient world.  Don't tell me there wasn't a thing or two in there that the higher ups didn't want anyone to know, and I bet some of those books are still around.  They are probably sitting in someones' attic, just waiting to be found, full of ancient truths.

     One of my favorites is the Denver International Airport conspiracy.  It's a fascinating spin on a secret building that lies beneath the actual airport.  It's supposed to be a place for all the higher ups to seek shelter when things on Earth go terribly wrong. If you haven't read that one, I suggest you do so.  Yes, you will find just as many articles that debunk this theory, but if there were not debunking stories, there wouldn't be a conspiracy....would there?

     My all time, top of the list favorite, is about UFO's.  Hey, I know what I saw when I was sixteen years old and I can recall it from memory as if it happened yesterday, although do not ask me what I had for lunch yesterday.  There are just way to many stories about them from people from all walks of life, for it not to have some basis for truth.  A lot of people have seen things in the sky that they don't even feel comfortable talking about.  If you have such a story, I'd love to hear it and I will tell you mine.

     With all the conspiracies to follow, I believe the best one yet came out this week.  A couple of days ago, when the government shut down, it was reported that three of the top conspiracy theory websites crashed at the same time.   Now here is the theory.....these top three websites, which are all about the government conspiracy theories, are actually run by the government to lure in and keep track of the conspiracy theorist.  Hmmmm....... 



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