Saturday, October 19, 2013

A True Story For The Season

        Since the middle of October has already come and gone, Halloween is just around the corner.  I have had many different feelings about Halloween in my lifetime ranging from great joy to great dread.  

     Halloween has taken on different meanings throughout the centuries it has been celebrated.  Although I believe its intended purpose was to honor and remember those who had passed, one of the most favorite traditions seems to be the classic ghost story.

     I'm a true believer in life after death and have had several encounters with what is well known today as paranormal activity. I've talked to many people who have shared their own experiences and I never get tired of hearing their stories.  One of my favorites to tell is about Mom.

     Yes, I write about Mom a lot, but this is a true story.

     It was Christmas time and Mother had been passed nearly four months.  I really missed her, we all did.  Since school was on break for the holiday season, I didn't have to drive a school bus this particular morning.  My husband had to use the down time to make sure all the buses were in good running order so he left the house early. 

     He had received an under-the-cabinet radio from our children for Christmas and had proudly mounted it in the corner of the kitchen.  It wasn't that I didn't like the radio, it's just that I rarely turn on anything that makes any kind of noise during the day so as soon as he would leave, I would turn the radio off.  This particular morning, when he left, I left the radio on.  

     I was reading a book titled Crossing Over by psychic medium John Edward.  I was finishing a chapter about a story of a couple who had gone to John for a reading.  Towards the end of the reading the man asked if his father, who was passed,  had been at his wedding.  The energies were already pulling back so he didn't get his answer.

     The man went on to explain that during his wedding reception, when it came time to play the mother/son dance song, the DJ played "Wind Beneath My Wings".  This was not the song that had been chosen, in fact, that song had been his parents' song.  

     The husband went to the DJ and asked him why he had changed the song and the DJ said he had been told to play "Wind Beneath My Wings".  The man demanded to know who had told him to change it and took the DJ around the entire reception hall looking for the person.  They never found that person.

     Finally the husband asked the DJ to describe what the person looked like and the DJ described this man's father to a T.  

     The husband and his wife left John's home and when they got in their car the man said he felt like his father was right there with them.  He turned on the car and when the radio came on the song that was playing was "Wind Beneath My Wings".

     I was no stranger to John Edward and the work he does.  I'd read his books and watched him on TV so the story wasn't a shocker to me.  I laid the book in my lap and was thinking how I wished something like that would happen to me.  As I sat there I noticed there was some kind of weird static going on around me and I could feel the hair on my arms standing up.  Not only could I feel it, I could literally see it happening.  

     I said out loud, "What the heck...." and that's when my head snapped up and I stared at the radio in the corner.  It was kind of like what you see in a scary movie when the object fast forwards or zooms into focus.  The very first words I heard were, "Did you ever know you were my hero?"  Yes, "Wind Beneath My Wings" was playing on the radio.

     Mother has visited several times since then, not only to me but to other family members as well.  I'll save those tales for another Halloween season.





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