Hello! Hello! It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short! I have a sad tail to tell you about my terrible time.
My Dad doesn't feel very well. Mom told me he had to go away for awhile and I was going to get to stay with my Momma and Grammie. I thought this was great, I love to see my Momma. You know, dogs don't really keep track of time. The only time we have is the moment we are in. I knew the day was approaching when Mom and Dad packed my bag with my dish, food and blankie, then we took a car ride to Momma's house. I never really noticed when Mom and Dad left, cause' I was havin' fun playing with Momma and the rest of my peeps.
The very next day, Grammie put the buzzing collar on me. Grammie does not like it when I jump on people and she set out to change my bad ways. She said I needed to learn to behave. I thought I musta done something bad to be treated this way and surely Mom and Dad would come to save me. They did not.
I did get used to the buzzing collar, but I sure was lonesome. If Grammie sat on the couch, I would sit next to her. If she worked upstairs, I would find one of my peeps' bed and sleep there. My Momma has her own space for sleeping and getting away from me, so I'm not allowed there. I watch Momma though, when she gets ready for some peace and quiet. Momma is so smart! She pulls her blankies out of her crate and gets them just right. Then she puts her head under one edge of her blankies and some how gets them clear over her back! When she is satisfied with her blankie placement, she walks back into her crate, walks in a circle, this makes her blankies tuck around her and then she lays down. She is so good at this that once she is in there, you can't even tell it. It's like she just distapeered.
So, the sun and moon had been here and gone so many times that I lost count. Two times I got to see Mom and Dad, but they were in the tiny box and I could not get in there with them. One of those times was when the giant sky hawk went over the house and was really loud. Grammie said it was a fighter jet, but looks like a giant sky hawk to me! It scared me bad, but after hearing Mom and Dad's voice, I was better.
After what seemed like forever, Grammie packed my bag. I knew something was happening. Not only that, Grammie and Momma seemed awfully happy. Grammie and one of my peeps loaded me in the car and we took another ride. We drove for awhile and then I began to see things that looked familiar to me. Then we pulled into the driveway and I was home! I looked out the big window in Grammie's car and there was my Mom waiting for me and Dad was on the porch! Grammie had to stop and let me out, I was so excited! Oh boy, was I so happy to see Mom and Dad!
That first day back home, I was a pretty good dog. The second day, not so much. I went next door to see my other peeps. When Mom called me home, I came home and then I wouldn't let Mom get close enough to pick me up and I went back to my peeps house. Then later, I chased just about every vehicle that went past our house....something I've never done before. I showed Mom and Dad what I thought about them leaving me! Mom wasn't too happy with me and put new batteries in my buzzing collar.....sigh.
It sure is good to be back home! I was so happy to get to sleep with Mom and Dad again. I watched my Momma every time she did that trick with her blankies and I be practicing it at home now, at bed time. Mom and Dad say I look like a bulldozer, but I don't know what that is.
Mom says some of my spelling is not correct. I don't care, I'm just glad my terrible time is over. Woof!
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