Hello everyone! It's Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier here to serve you! Mom is laying on the floor with cold, wet teabags on her eyes. I'm tellin' ya, Mom is weird.
While Mom is being weird, I want to tell you about a trick I have taught her. Mom has taught me some tricks. I can sit, lay down and roll over really fast, I do that all in one movement, no need to wait for her to say "rollover" as far as I'm concerned. I can shake paws, stand pretty, which is pretty stupid and jump while I'm standing on my back legs. I know all the names of my toys and they all start with Mr. and I can find them when I'm asked to do so. The only thing Mom hasn't been able to teach me is how to put my toys back in the basket. Maybe some day I'll relent and do it for her, but today ain't that day.
Anyway, I taught Mom this great trick. We do it almost everyday as long as it's not too cold outside. Me and Mom and Dad sit out on our deck a lot. Since it's on the second floor, Mom and Dad put up a barrier, made out of what Mom call lattice, so I don't jump through the spindles. See, that's a quirk about JRT's, we tend to get so focused on whatever we are focused on and forget about where we might be. So, if we are sitting on something really high off the ground and we be focused on a squirrel, we just jump. This lattice is tall enough to keep me from jumping but I can stand on my back legs and look out over the top of it. My all time favorite toy is my collar-ball. Just what it sounds like. It's a ball that has a hole in it and in the hole is a red collar. It's kinda like a ball with a loop. I play fetch with this every single day, three or four times a day. When we all sit out on the deck, Mom and Day leave the door open a little bit and throw my collar-ball through the opening, back into the living room. This is great fun but when I get tired of it, I bring it back out onto the deck. I go to the far end of the deck and try to push my collar-ball over the lattice. This always brings loud shouts of "Don't you do it!" from Mom and Dad. About after the third time of hearin' them say that, I drop the collar-ball over the lattice.
Then, I look at it and I cry about it. It's a great act!
Now for the bestest part. After a bit more whining on my part, Mom gets out of her chair. She opens up the outside storage closet and reaches inside and brings out a fishin' pole! This is so exciting!
She takes that pole and puts it out over the deck railing and lets down a long string. I'm not sure what is on the end of it, but after a few tries, Mom starts to reel in the string and there on the end of it is my collar-ball! Mom has gotten really good at this trick and that is why we practice it everyday. I don't want her to lose her touch and I always tell her, "Good Mom".
Well, gotta go. Mom is wondering what I'm up to and I was just giving some serious thought to stealing somepin' off her desk! Woof!
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