Hello, I am Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, JRT for short. Since Mom left to get some groceries, I thought this would be the best time to plead my case to the masses.
Recently, Mom asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in the car. Of course I did! She knows how excited I get when I am finally allowed to go somewhere....anywhere in the car! I just love to ride around the complex because I am now very brave and can look out the window at all the people. I can even ride out on the big street with the many moving fast things, Mom says they are other cars, and make it to the convenience store and it is almost two blocks away!
I should have known something was up when Mom packed my crate to the car. I was just so excited that I didn't pay any attention. In fact, I was so excited that I jumped right in the crate when she placed it in the car seat. We moved fast for a very long time. I thought maybe I was going for the big ride to see some of my peeps, but that was not to be my fate.
We finally stopped and Mom let me out of the crate and put my leash on. As soon as I got out of the car, I thought maybe I was experiencing that stuff they call deja vu, like maybe I had been here before. But, I had to use the grass really bad and I didn't think too much more about it.
We were somewhere because there was a building and we were walking towards it. Mom opened the first door we came to and I went in, but something was just not quite right. Still, I could not put my paw on it.
As soon as Mom opened the second door, the smell hit me in the snout like a ton of dog biscuits. I will be the first to admit that there are some smells that are just delightful. Take, for instance, cat poo. I do miss cat poo from home. It always matched the one brown spot on the side of my head and I could put it on the other side so I would have a matching set. Dead things are good too, nothing like a good roll on a dead bug, or worm, or a snake. But, this stink was the worst of all. Mom had taken me to the veterinary clinic!
I put on all four brakes as fast as I could and kept my butt as close to the floor as possible. Mom pulled me across the floor, it was much more like dragging and one lady laughed at me! How humiliating! Mom offered to hold me, but I was just a whirling dervish of dog hair. I finally sat between her feet, with my back towards the people who were going to seal my fate and shook like a bowl of jelly. Then to make things even worse, we had to go into one of the rooms.
I'm a pretty smart dog and I rarely forget much and I knew exactly what happens in those rooms. Terrible things! Things that should never be spoken from the lips of the bravest hound. The next thing I knew, Mom placed me on that terrible table and said I had to have my nails clipped. I screamed, "Oh Mom! Say it ain't so!" Some young girl, WAY younger than Mom, tried to grab one of my paws. I did not bite her, but I sure wanted to and I must have conveyed that message rather well because the next thing I knew, some big tall guy came into my space. He put his arms around me and had my head in the death grip, while the young girl told me I wasn't going to get away with acting like that. Acting? They hadn't seen any acting yet! As that guy curled me up in his arms, I let out a wail that was probably heard for miles around. It was about this time they had Mom come and stand in front of me so I could see her. That helped....sorta.
Mom said they clipped my nails in record time but I'm sure I was held in the jaws of death for at least an hour. I will say one thing though, I did get in one pretty good lick, no pun intended. When that big guy put me back on the table, his purple shirt was absolutely covered with my white dog hair from his shoulders to his waist. Served him right.
I guess I got a shot while I was there too, but I was too traumatized to remember that part. When the door opened to get out of that house of horrors, I made a bee line straight for the car. My crate was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I hopped right in for the ride back home. I was sure glad to see Dad when we got back. I told him all about how Mom tricked me by asking me if I wanted to go for a ride and the horrible things that happened. He just scratched my back and that did make me feel better.
So, to all my K-9 brethren out there, beware of the car ride for no good reason. Our Moms and Dads can be down right sneaky.
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