It is known as the Red Planet or the God of War. It is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system, Mars. It takes 687 days for Mars to orbit the sun and it is the only planet, in our system, that has an elliptical orbit. It has polar ice caps, just like Earth, with frozen water beneath them, although science for years claimed there was no water on Mars.
Mars has the largest volcano in our solar system named Olympus Mons. It is three times the height of Mount Everest, making it roughly a little over 16 miles high and now scientists believe it may still be active. Mars also sports the biggest canyon in our solar system. Valles Marineris is so long, it would stretch from the west coast to the east coast of the USA.
Mars also has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Oddly, these moons were written about by author Jonathan Swift in his book 'Gulliver's Travels', 151 years before the moons were discovered.
Now that the truth is out about the water on Mars, what else could be revealed? Is the theory about Mars being destroyed by a nuclear war, millions of years ago, false? Or, does it perhaps hold a bit of truth? Just how did rocks from Mars end up being meteorites that have landed on Earth?
For a planet that supposedly does not have much to offer, there have been 39 attempts to reach it since the 1960's, with only 16 of those being successful. Sixteen successful times. Doesn't that seem like a lot, especially since we, as a nation, have only landed on the moon six times? Just exactly how much does it cost for 39 attempts to reach the red planet?
There are many who believe man has already gone to Mars, and are still there. There are individuals who spend countless hours going over the camera footage beamed back from Mars, and the anomalies they have found certainly leave us scratching our heads. One of these days, that true visionary, Elon Musk, may give us the answer....unless he already knows it.
A secret space program is believed by many to have been in place for years. Some scoff at such nonsense, but think about this, right before 911, the Pentagon could not provide transactions for 2.3 trillion dollars. That adds up to $8000 for every man, woman and child in the United States and it went somewhere. Maybe to Mars.
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