Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dear Entertainment World

     Entertainment comes in many forms.  There are sports, movies, endless sitcoms and television series, music and the list goes on and on.  No matter what your preference may be, there is something to choose from to entertain the senses.

     Those of us who enjoy being entertained, pay for it.  Whether it be money spent for tickets or buying a product from a sponsor, the entertainment world get their paychecks from their fans.

     The entertainment world, as a whole, makes up a very small percentage of the populace.  Most of them do not live like the average citizen.  Very few of them know what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck.  Or, to wander the isles of a grocery store, silently adding the total in their head, to make sure they have enough money at the checkout lane.  They do not live in houses that are cold in the winter and hot in the summer.  Most of their children do not attend a public school.  They have many luxuries the rest of the people simply dream about, as the people do their best to make ends meet.

     But, they are paid for their performance and that pay affords them that lifestyle.  The people continue to pay because we need the entertainment.  We like it.  We love it.  It helps us to set aside the worries of the day and simply be entertained. It is what we want.

     What we do not want is your arrogance.  We do not want to see your fact-less opinions on stage, the sidelines, or in an interview.  If you want to throw your hat into the political arena, by all means, do so.  If you want to set your $4000 handbag down on the mud covered ground of a flooded community and sit next to someone who just lost all their possessions, by all means, do so.  If you want to go into a bullet ridden neighborhood because you feel you can make a difference, then get right after it.  If you feel there is so much injustice in this country, then jump in and try to fix it.

     But, if you do not wish to do these things, keep still about it.  Your job is to entertain, nothing more, nothing less.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


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