Monday, June 13, 2016

What It's Really About

     Another. Mass. Shooting.  The media, government officials and some folks in general, are all up in arms about arms.....guns.  If there were more gun control, these kinds of things would not happen.  Look how many people have been killed by this sort of weapon.  Ban them, ban them all.

     Although I am not a gun owner, I would like to point something out.  Not being a weapons expert, I'm sure that my explanation will make a few experts cringe, but, here goes......A semi automatic assault  weapon is a gun that holds a whole lot of bullets but will only fire those bullets when the trigger is at a pull of the trigger means one bullet will fire another bullet, the trigger has to be pulled again......and again......and again.  On the other hand, an automatic assault weapon is a gun that holds a whole lot of bullets and will fire all those bullets with one pull of the long as the trigger is held down, the bullets will continue to fire.  An automatic assault weapon is illegal to purchase in this country, whereas a semi automatic is not.

     tRuth As I See It is simply my opinion.  The question I hear a lot is 'why in the world does anybody want to own (or need) a semi automatic assault weapon?'  My guess would be the same reason people like to drive cool cars, wear outrageous fashions, spend X amount of money on sexy under garments, build huge mahonkin' houses, buy luxurious yachts and the list could go on and on.  People like cool stuff.  People watch movies where the good guys get the bad guys and the good guys are carrying automatic assault weapons and they want one too.  So, they buy the next best thing. It looks bad to the bone and it's legal.

     The issue is not about guns because we could make a list, a mile long, of other things that kill.  Things do not kill people, the people in charge of the things do.

     To me, the real issue in this latest catastrophe is the fact the shooter had been investigated, more than once, for possible terrorists links.  If a there is zero tolerance for alcohol impaired driving, why is there not zero tolerance for being connected, or a suspicion of being connected, to a known terrorist group?   Why not tattoo a capital "T" on their foreheads so the rest of the people can help keep an eye on them.  Would that offend them?  Probably, but pussy footing around trying not to offend anyone certainly is not working. 

     Most people who commit this type of heinous crime had some little quirk, that set them apart from being what the majority would consider 'normal'...... and someone knew it.  That someone either did not care, or was too afraid to say anything, for fear of the backlash lest they offend someone.   When that mindset changes, so will society.

     We need to know the person next door and we need to be okeedokee about speaking up.






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