The article left me with a heavy heart. I've pondered upon it for a couple of days. There was another article in today's paper that touched on what I was feeling. I did not read it, just the first line confirmed what had been on my mind.
It was the story about the clerk who has gone to jail for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. Since she works in a government position, that is part of her job. She feels it is against her religious beliefs for gay couples to marry and therefore refused to issue the license. This act put her in contempt of court and landed her in the pokey.
The part that saddened me was all her followers and supporters rallying under the banner of Christendom. They chanted slogans and pointed condemning fingers at those responsible for making laws that were not acceptable, according to their interpretation of God's word.
To be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ. To be a follower of Christ is to spend the rest of however many days are allotted to one's life trying to become more Christ-like. To be more Christ-like takes a whole lot of love and kindness and patience.....God would probably list patience first.
Jesus made no mention of homosexuality, therefore, a person striving to be like him probably should not either. Jesus said to follow the laws of our man made government. If a person is in a government position of employment and does not like to follow the law, then quit that job and go find something else to do. Jesus said that we should not judge because by doing so, we bring judgement on ourselves. Jesus said that while we are finding fault with someone else, we should take a look at ourselves. Jesus said we should be like little children, innocent and trusting.
He said things like, love our neighbor as ourselves. He said to heap loads of kindness on our enemies. He said to turn the other cheek. He told stories so as to give us a picture of helping people whom others would pass by.
Jesus said the kingdom of Heaven was within us.....each and everyone of us. Walking with God is an individual journey for us all.
Until the churches come together under a banner of the love of the Christ, there will always be division. If they are sending out a message of hate and fear, then they are no different than those who take the lives of people who will not bow to their beliefs. Who was Jesus the most frustrated with while on this earth?......The religious leaders.
There needs to be a shift in our thinking and that shift needs to lean towards love. Love is a powerful force. If we would use more of it, we would see the glory of God.
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