Once a year, in August, some friends of ours host a large get together. The first time we were invited, I felt as though I had passed through some portal into another realm because I did not know half of the people who were in attendance. That in itself may not be a big deal, but I could see our house from theirs and it was odd to not know so many people.
I was looking forward with great anticipation to this year's party. Not just for the food and camaraderie with new friends, but for the music. They always have either live music or a DJ and with music, there is dancing.
Oh, how I love to dance.
In 2006 Antonio Banderas starred in a movie titled, "Take The Lead". It was a true story about a dance instructor who took a bunch of troubled kids and taught them how to dance. It changed their lives for the better. If ever I had any regrets, one would be not learning how to dance. My parents danced together and even sisters Lela and Blanche knew the foot work to the Swing and the Fox Trot, but somewhere in the decade that stretched between us, most of my generation lost this art. I haven't completely given up on this dream and have a stack of VCR tapes with "easy to follow" instructions for the above mentioned moves, along with the Tango. During our first encounter with these tapes my husband said, "I don't think we're getting it.", so..... maybe somewhere down the road we can enlist the help of a professional instructor. I can already see the look of delight on his face when I announce that I've signed us up for dance class.
Back at the party, it wasn't long before folks were taking to the dance floor. I had told myself I would take it easy this year, but once the music started, I could not stay in my chair. I danced with young people, I danced with older people, I danced by myself. A gentleman asked me to dance and half way through he said to me, "You like to lead, don't you?" I answered, "Why yes, yes I do.", and we continued to play tug of war across the dance floor.....he did not ask me to dance again. It did not matter to me and I continued to dance the night away.
I am still paying for skipping the light fandango, but it was worth every sore muscle and the twinge in one hip.
Live like there is no tomorrow, love with all your heart and when the opportunity to dance comes along, take it. Preferably more than once a year.
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