An odd thing happened this morning whilst I was standing on the back deck, surveying my domain. Tigger, the cat, has been feeling feisty the last couple of days and I suppose that is because the weather has cooled off some. There's nothing like a nice cool morning to put him into Tigger Tiger Mode.
Out of no where, a large dog appeared from behind the neighbor's garage. I had never seen this dog before and he looked to be part boxer with a long tail. Needless to say, I feared for Tigger. He doesn't like dogs, except for Runtly, and he usually makes a fast get away to hide under the pool deck. Tigger had spied the dog too and I watched him, waiting for his great escape.
To my horror, Tigger swelled up and began the sideways spider walk down the sidewalk, towards the dog. I was thinking this was not going to be pretty and all that would be left of Tigger was a lot of yellow fur drifting in the wind. I called to him, but, he paid me no mind. The dog, who made about six of the cat, was just as dumbfounded as I was and took off down the alley.....with Tigger in hot pursuit.
I could not even follow, for fear of what I would be witness to. A few minutes later, Tigger returned, his tail still about the size of a ball bat, but his mission had been accomplished. The dog was gone......odd indeed.
Several weeks ago, I went to a friends' house who was hosting a psychic, for a reading. Now, before you get all "Heaven Forbid!" on me, let me briefly explain something. I used to carry that banner, but in the last few years, I've had a change of heart......and Mother had this 'gift', but that is a story for another day. Anyway, during the reading, which wasn't too eventful, I asked the lady if she could find a missing set of keys. These were not my keys, but a friends and they needed desperately to find them. I had been shown, during the previous night's sleep, that they were up against something yellow. The psychic told me they were wedged in something. I asked her if the 'something' was yellow and with a look of surprise, she said it was. I relayed this information to my friend and within about 30 minutes, they called to say they had found them wedged way down in the seat of their truck up against the yellow upholstery foam.
Yesterday, this same friend sent me a message that she had lost one of her favorite earrings and could I help. As I was answering her text, I immediately 'heard' "the post broke off the back of the earring". Then I 'saw' the earring laying on some rocks. Again, I relayed the information. They found the earring.....the post was broken and they found it laying in gravel......odd indeed..... I've looked for two days and still can not locate my glasses.
I often mention the Voice that lives in my head. I've always thought it was just me talking to myself, but now I'm not so sure. The Voice actually has a form and when the Dairy Queen commercial came out, with the large talking mouth, I was amused because that is very much what the Voice looks like. It does have eyes, that it rolls quite often and stick arms and legs. It also wears shoes and has a large collection..
I woke up the other morning and the first thought that hit me was that I had forgot to buy my lottery ticket. I grabbed my phone and did a search for the winning numbers, figuring I might as well get the agony over with early. Whew, was I relieved that my numbers had not been picked. I do not gamble, that takes a healthy dose of understanding mathematics, which I do not possess and the ability to have no emotional ties to the bet. I just play the same numbers each time because my husband always says, "Somebody's got to win it, might as well be us."
Winning the lottery would solve a multitude of problems but, in the long run, would probably cause even more. The Voice told me this morning that I already had the winning numbers. "Yeah, right", I told it. "No, really", it replied, "I'll write them down." Although I thought it was awfully early in the day to be wearing stilettos, the Voice strutted over to the counter and grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. I glanced over its shoulder, waiting anxiously for the six winning numbers to appear, but what I saw were not numbers at all. The Voice had written down six titles. Six titles, to six books, that are stuck in my head. When it was finished, the Voice put the pen down, did a 180 degree spin effortlessly on one spike heel and headed towards the door. It stopped just before making its exit and said, "The rest is up to you."
Odd, where are my glasses?
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