Our sun is a busy star. It is constantly crushing hydrogen atoms into helium, a process called fusion, releasing massive amounts of energy. This energy is what keeps us alive. If the sun were to stop doing what it does, what do you suppose we would do?
As the sun implodes upon itself, creating a black hole, this black hole becomes a vacuum. Everything that has been expanding in our solar system will probably come to a complete halt before it begins the journey backwards. Do you suppose the outer planets will start retreating first? Will we stand in awe struck wonder as we watch Neptune and Jupiter get closer and closer, or will we try to continue our day to day routine, our faces turned towards a small glowing screen?
Do you suppose we will gather our families together or spend more time wondering why more people did not hit the 'like' button on our recent Facebook post?
If the earth begins to lose its gravity and we begin floating off in space, do you suppose the congregations will still be arguing about who is right? Or will their voices finally unite?
As the oceans begin to empty and we see all the unknown creatures of the deep, do you suppose we will take the time to actually look at them? Or will we be too busy trying to hold on to all the material things we have accumulated in our lifetime?
Do you suppose we will realize that worrying about what someone else thinks really does not matter? Or will we, when we see our neighbor floating by, yell out "Hey Bob, at least my house is paid for!"?
As the debris field from planet earth begins to take the shape of a funnel, its narrow end edging closer to the black hole, will we be aware of the panic and reach out for our fellow man, to offer whatever comfort is still available? Or will we continue to think we are better than they are and only worry about ourselves?
Do you suppose, as we speed faster and faster to the impending doom, that we will be sad for all the time we wasted? Or will we see our best friend and ask, "Rhonda! Do these jeans make my butt look big?"?
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