No one has control over how you feel, except yourself.
No one was put on this earth to make you happy. If someone makes you happy, that's really not their job, happiness does not come from an outside source.
No one makes you mad. Nope. If they made you mad it's because you let them. Perhaps they are just having a bad day.
No one makes you sad. Nope again. If they made you sad, it's because you let them. Who really enjoys feeling sad?
No one makes you worry. If you worry, it is because you have chosen to do so. Worrying solves nothing and it is not good for your health, plus, it does not accomplish one single thing.
No one has the right to tell you what to do. That doesn't mean you should tell your boss to shove it. A job is simply a job, something you have chosen to do. If you let it make you miserable, that is your choice.
No one has the right to tell you what, or how to believe. Most people don't know why they believe the things they do in the first place. Most adults find out, somewhere along their path in life, that their parents really didn't know everything.
No one can tell you that you can't do that. 'That' being whatever it is that you want to be or do when you grow up. If you decide to believe that you can't, then again, that was your choice.
We all come from the same place. Even those who we deem unworthy. We all have the same mission:
Live your life to the absolute fullest and let no one steal your dream.
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