I don't have anything significant to pass along to the human race today. My proof reader won't let me be a slacker, she doesn't understand that procrastination is the name of my game. Maybe she does understand that better than myself, hence the reason I get little snarky texts when she does not see my handy work. So here I am, writing, blogging 'much ado about nothing'.
It's a busy day today, lots of things going on. The main mission is a trip to the accountant, 'tis tax time. Rolling the compost bin will surely prove to be more fun than this. Although, I think the contents of the bin have a direct correlation with some of the taxes that are put upon us.
Next on the list is a birthday tune for my youngest son-in-law. He rarely reads my blogs so I doubt this will spoil the surprise. In the long run he will probably wish I had forgot. No chance of that happening. The last birthday dittie was a compilation of Beatles songs and it turned out to be a big hit, not only for the recipient, but for everyone who viewed it. A little birdie has informed me that today's luck duck birthday boy likes the band Journey. Not that I'm a great singer to start with, but Journey songs are hard to sing. I apologize in advance to all the Journey fans for the butchering that will take place later this afternoon. It may take me all day to get it done, but it will be online before midnight.
I have a part time gig as a bookkeeper for a local construction company. They need their taxes done too. It's nice that we all wait until the last hoorah to gather the needed information. It's not like we didn't know it was coming. This ailment probably falls under "prolonging the agony".
Ms. Sassafrass is put out with me because we can't watch the movie "Frozen".......again. I tried to explain to her that I can't watch it everyday because I can't get the songs out of my head. It really is not fun to wake up at 2 a.m. with "Do you want to build a snowman" playing in my head. It also makes it difficult to try and sing Journey songs. Sassafrass didn't accept my reasoning as valid, but did settle for a cartoon, that I'm pretty sure she has seen several times. I can hear her answering all the questions before the answer is given.
My business of turning real flowers into jewelry and other keepsakes has really taken off. I'm getting orders almost on a daily basis and for this I'm very thankful. The studio in which I work is where I should be right now, instead of writing mundane things about my day.
The tax man cometh (and the tax man taketh away), the Journey songs are spinning on a turntable in the back of my brain, beads full of flowers are waiting to be crafted into bracelets and I wrote in my blog..........even though I didn't want to.
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