Everything has it. From the tallest mountain to a grain of sand. Trees have it. Even the chair you sit in has it, but it goes undetected. We humans have it and so do our pets. It's called a vibration, or a frequency.
Jumping into the depths of quantum physics proves this. When you explore an atom down to its very core, that is where it you will find it, this vibration. Some things vibrate at a higher frequency, like our bodies, others vibrate at a lower, slower frequency, like a rock. Just because we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there or doesn't happen, it does and science proves this.
Even our thoughts produce these frequencies and knowing this or understanding that this takes place constantly should help us realize how we are all connected. For example, how many times have you had someone close to you bring up a topic and you were thinking exactly the same thing. This is not coincidence, this is being connected through frequencies. It is no different than turning on the radio and picking up a signal.
I have a deep fascination for the spiritual side of things. I truly believe that is the most important part of life, realizing we are spirit first, bodies second. I believe the power of prayer, meditation, collective thoughts, is the greatest power the human race obtains. It can literally move mountains.
I also believe in psychic abilities and the table by my chair is piled high with books on the subject. We all have them, but the majority of us keep them suppressed. There are probably few people who have not had the experience of knowing who was on the other end of the phone line, before they answered it. There are some people whose psychic abilities are very accessible and they are usually referred to as mediums or channels. They have the ability to pick up the frequency waves and translate the information they are receiving.
Some well known psychics like John Edward, George Anderson, Char Margolis and James Van Praagh have near celebrity status, but they are no different than most people. They do things just like the rest of us, they have jobs, families and bills to pay. The only difference is their ability to tune into the frequencies that the rest of us miss.
I've always wanted to have a psychic reading and one day while mindlessly scrolling through Facebook, I ran across an ad for a girl by the name of June Patrick. As I was reading her information and looking at some of her posts, I knew she would be the one I would choose for my reading. The reason I knew this was because she had just posted a quote from Albert Einstein; "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." The day before, I had cut the same quote out of the daily newspaper and laid it on my desk where I could see it every time I sit down. Remember, there's no such thing as coincidence.
I booked my session, it was to be over the phone, and waited, rather impatiently, for the date to arrive.
It was the most uplifting experience I have ever had. Not only was she accurate, she shared with me things only I would have known. My mother came through with several of her family members and my husband's parents came through.
The session was recorded and I was able to download it to my computer so I could listen to it again and share it if I wanted. There was one part that I wasn't quite sure of, but when my youngest daughter listened to it and I saw her wipe a tear from her cheek, I knew that part was intended for her and so did she.
I'm not going to argue or get into a debate with the nay-sayers. You are entitled to your beliefs. But I will pass along something John Edward says at every event, "Don't wait to go to a psychic to tell someone you love them, do it now, while they are still here and you have the chance." Also, to prophesy doesn't mean to tell the future, it means to be divinely inspired.
It is only a sheer veil that divides this realm we call reality and what lies on the other side. What is on the other side is so much more than we can imagine, it is the 'peace that passes our understanding'. We have a job to do while we are here and sometimes it helps to know that the ones we have lost are really still with us, cheering us on.
If you would like to know more about June Patrick, check her out on Facebook or www.junepatrick.com.
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