This time of the year the kids are excited. After all, it's the season of Christmas. The recent addition of the 'Elf on the Shelf' probably has kids rolling out of bed earlier than usual, to see what mischief he has been up to over night. Parents may need to incorporate this concept for the entire school year, although it may be difficult to come up with something new everyday for nine months.
So I'm going to blog one more time about Christmas. Just one more time.......maybe.
Our Sunday paper had an article I found rather amusing. The Atheists are at it again, God love em', no pun intended. They are aggravated with the display of Christmas themed decorations on public property. Since they don't believe in a higher being they jump on the hoopla band wagon of the separation of church and state. This time though, they decided if you can't beat them, join them.
They erected a huge sculpture in the shape of an A and adorned it with red lights. It's a rather abstract A, but I suppose that adds to its sculpturiness and makes people lean to one side, trying to figure out what it is. When I saw the picture of it and discovered the lights were red, the first thing that came to my mind was a book I had to read in high school English class.
The Atheists felt like they needed to have their viewpoint shared. One fellow even said that all of us Christmas revelers didn't even know what we are celebrating. He said we are celebrating the winter solstice, thus the additional banner to the A that read, "Happy Winter Solstice". He said we needed to have that pointed out, so we would know exactly what we are doing, because after all, that is the true reason for the season.
People have been celebrating Christmas on December 25 for hundreds of years. Most people who know the true meaning behind the celebration also know that it isn't the real birth date of Jesus. Yes, December 25 is connected to a pagan worship of the sun what? I was born on September 8, so was Pink, that doesn't make me a rock star. I do try though, when I hear her songs on the radio, makes my grandkids gasp for air and my daughters stand far, far away.
Scholars can't agree on a definite date either, but most believe that Jesus was born in April or early March. Putting up decorations during the Spring would be easier and since the days are beginning to get longer by then, it would help us save on our electric bill because we wouldn't have to turn them on until about 8:30. If we put up a real tree, it would probably last a bit longer if we don't have to run the furnace as much. Maybe even Santa could shed some of those heavy winter clothes, and just wear his long johns, plus the reindeer could stop and get a drink more often if the ponds and lakes have thawed.
I guess we could change the date, but what real difference would it make? If you don't know the true meaning of Christmas, it wouldn't matter when it was celebrated. We in the great mid-west enjoy getting to celebrate during the winter, probably because when we have snow on the ground during Christmas, it adds a touch of magic to the whole season. There are just as many people who live closer to the equator who celebrate Christmas and I doubt they even know it's 'winter solstice time', they may understand the true meaning more than most.
I really don't care if the Atheists put up a big A. It's their right, plain and simple. Just as it is my right to believe and to celebrate.
I'm a huge fan of psychic medium, John Edward. He says the Atheists are always the most surprised when they get to the other side. Now, don't get your panties in a bind by the mention of a psychic, that's another discussion for another day.
I really doubt that the Pearly Gates of Heaven have lights and decorations, but wouldn't it be something if there was a big letter A, all lit up with red lights, standing out front and it meant, "All Are Accommodated"?
Once again, Merry Christmas to you all.
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