When I was first told of the existence of a hummingbird moth, years ago, I thought my delightful wise neighbor, Mr. Professor, had flipped his lid. After all, I'd lived in this neighborhood all my life and considered myself pretty smart to the outdoors and its many inhabitants. I listened carefully as he told me, but on the inside I was thinking, "Yeah, right."
About two days later I walked onto the back porch and to my amazement, there it was. The hummingbird moth in all its glory. There was no doubt as to what it was because when it was in flight, yes indeed, it looked just like a hummingbird. Mr. Professor was not a lunatic after all.
A few days ago I had been watching this elusive creature in my garden. Having my phone with its amazing camera at the ready, I was eager to catch a picture of it. Finally it took a great interest in the large pot of purple petunias and I had my chance. He was in a most compliant mood and the picture turned out great. The next morning as I was flipping through the daily newspaper, I turned to the very back page. The back page always has a birthday column of celebrities and other famous people. I have a grand time amusing myself with this column because I've discovered I only know the ones who are over 50. There is always a picture on the back page too. It might be a local picture someone has sent in or something from a far away place. When I turned the paper over, the picture was the first thing I saw. It was a picture of a hummingbird moth, almost identical to the one I had taken the evening before.
Some would refer to that as a coincidence, something that just apparently happened at the same time for no particular reason. A random act of chance or luck. I don't believe in coincidences.
I believe there is a greater lesson to be learned from such happenings. I believe we are all connected, not only to each other on this physical plane, but on a spiritual level and to a much higher power. I believe that our thoughts are much more than stuff just whizzing through our gray matter. How many stories have you heard of the power of prayer? How many times have you thought of someone you haven't seen or talked to in a long time and then that person calls you on the phone? How many times have you experienced the "tension in the air"? How many times has your spouse, or significant other said "I was just thinking...." and you were thinking the same thing?
Our thoughts can create and destroy and we need to pay attention to them. We need to understand that sometimes our thoughts are not our own, but a message to be heard. We need to tune our thoughts to the greater good of humanity, the planet and all its many creatures and wonders. The next time you encounter that 'random act of chance or luck' stop and take the time to really listen, because I believe it is the higher power tapping us on the shoulder and saying "I'm listening. Are you?"
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