The other side of the fence is where I decided to get my "news". The reason for this was a simple one. I already had a repertoire of talk shows and programs that I would listen to while I worked. What I heard from them was completely opposite of what I was hearing from the main stream media darlings. The difference was so stark, that I began to search deeper, for myself, to see what could be found and what was really true.
The first source I came across was an individual talking about Q. Most of the time, Q is referred to as Qanon, but in reality, whoever Q is, they are simply known as Q. As I looked into what this was about, I was to find that Q was putting out messages on an obscure website. A website where conversations about ANY topic can be found. I then found that there were many people, citizen journalists, citizen reporters, who were covering the cryptic messages from Q. The number of people who were devoting their time and energy, for little, if any, pay, deciphering the messages was not near as impressive as the number of people who were listening. Those people numbered in the thousands. The more I listened, the more I was able to watch those numbers grow to the millions and they heralded from all over the globe.
The message from Q was simple. There is a shadow government, a deep state, that has been functioning in the background for many decades. It has been run by the elite of the world, a basic handful of the uber rich. This groups' objective is to rule the world, bringing about a new world order. This benefits the ultra wealthy, but not so much for the common people. Another goal for them is population control. Q's end message is one of giving the power back to the people. There is also a call to action, WWG1WGA. Where We Go 1, We Go All.
I have been told that Q is a cult, 100%. Many, many people have never heard of it, or if they have, it has been from main stream media and their message is not only cultic, but have labeled it a terrorist group. I do not believe either to be true. I do suggest listening to the words of JFK, shortly before he was assassinated. If anyone actually takes the time to do that, afterwards, spend some quiet time contemplating what kind of world we could be living in if his dreams had not been cut short.
Please consider this as well, we are not the laughing stock of the world. People, world wide, are watching this great country. Why? Because they know, if the USA falls, their hopes and dreams die with it. This country is a beacon to the rest of the world.
In a nutshell, this is what I see from the other side of the fence. There was massive fraud in the November 2020 election. There are over 5000 sworn affidavits, from everyday people, who witnessed this and were brave enough to come forward and tell the truth. There were state governments who changed their voting rules and laws, without any input from their constituents.
We the people have been told stories of Russian interference, impeachment and Ukraine meddling for years. But, when the truth came out, there was little, if any coverage. They just hopped on the next thing that could be spun into a really bad web of deception.
I could spend all day sharing what I have found on my own, sharing what I believe will happen in the next couple of days, but most people do not like to have the ceiling ripped off of their belief system. Right now, there are millions of people heading to Washington D.C. Their call to action is, Stop The Steal. They are going to show support, not only for our President, but for this country and the Constitution that it was built upon. It is my hope that the people are successful and our country is restored to what it was meant to be for all people, not what a few wealthy think it should be, to benefit only themselves.
The clock is ticking. It's gonna be biblical. Hang on tight.