This letter is to inform you, in whatever shape or form you find yourself.... It could be football. Basketball. Volleyball. Softball. Tennis. Golf. Soccer. Hockey. Baseball. Lacrosse. Ping Pong. Racing. Pickle Ball, or even a rousing game of Croquet, that we need to have a serious conversation.
First, I suppose, I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am most definitely not your enemy, adversary or even anyone you would need to worry about. In fact, when it comes to sports, I have little interest. Why that is, is still a mystery, as I came from and am surrounded by, a very sports minded family. It would be safe to say that playing fetch with Runtly, the ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier, is about as sportsy as I get. So, just to be clear, you have no threat from me and certainly no competition.
I would like to explain something to you that I feel you have forgotten. Something that should be at the very heart of your existence. Indeed, without it, you would most likely cease to be. That 'something' is the people. All the people who flock to you. These people come to you for a variety of reasons. Some folks just need to be entertained. Some come for the love of whatever form tends to be their favorite. To others, competition is the name of the game, regardless the form. To many, your are a bastion of comradery. A place where like minded individuals gather together and for a moment in time, the game is all that matters. During these times, memories are made, friendships are bonded and skills are improved.
Sports, you are also a safe haven for many. Some young people would have had a much tougher time in life, had it not been for you. Sometimes the mere mention of an upcoming game can be the difference between a passing grade on a classroom assignment, or a failing grade for someone who had nothing to look forward to. You have helped people to understand the "thrill of the victory and the agony of defeat". Yes, unfortunately, there are those who never quite grasped the meaning of that phrase, their entire life, but for others, it was their turning point. It showed them they could get up, brush the dust off, realize the world did not end and practice makes perfect. You have taught people discipline that will last them a lifetime. See, Sports, even though I don't have a lot of interest in you, millions of others do. They need you. To many, you are a beacon in the storm.
The storm is why I'm writing to you. Times are crazy right now. Folks are confused, scared, angry and sad, all at the same time. They need an outlet. An outlet that you provide, if only for a little while, that takes their minds off the troubles of our times. With that said, Sports, this is my message for you. Stay. Out. Of. Politics. And all the screwed up messages they blab all the time. You are not part of it, so leave it be. Stick to what you are good at. If you have forgotten what you are good at, please refer to the first paragraph. You should be able to find yourself in the list.
One who is not sports minded, but loves a lot of folks who are.