Monday, June 24, 2019

A Very Inconvenient Truth

This is not pretty.  Most turn and look the other way.  It makes the skin crawl.  It sets an image that is never forgotten.  It's a recipe for evil.  The ingredients?  Power, greed, lust and sex.  The results, human trafficking....child trafficking.  

Recently a trial was held for a man named Keith Raniere.  If you followed the trial, you know what it was about.  If not, this will be an attempt to describe his crime in a nut shell.  K.R. built a company called NXIVM, (nex e um).  It was a multilevel marketing company offering professional and personal development seminars.  It also had something referred to as a secret society for women.  In this society, women were branded with K.R.'s initials, used for his personal gratification as sex slaves and were required to recruit new members for the same purpose.  During the trial, evidence was shown that K.R. not only abused and used women for his twisted ideas, but he also had a portfolio of child pornography.  It is believed that he was a major player in the world of child sex trafficking.

There is a documentary, that can be found on Amazon, titled Operation Toussaint.  It covers the underground world of child trafficking.  In this documentary I learned a very inconvenient truth.  The United States of America holds the first place trophy, world wide, for child sex trafficking.  Children, as young as 6 months, are being sold to people for sex. What makes a person interested in this is beyond comprehension, but pedophilia is a sickness that seems to be running the gauntlet like an ancient plague. 

Most of us think  these people are sick.  That they are the creepy old man who cannot seem to keep his hands to himself.  The weird, who obviously have a limited mental capacity.  Although there are many who fall into those categories, the inconvenient truth is that there are many who do not fit into that mold at all.  They are the super rich, the powerful, the elite and together they make a monster much worse than the legendary Kraken.  Their tentacles run deep, into places we would have trouble believing.....into churches, into businesses, into governments.

There is something happening in the world today.  Hopefully, it is the battle between good and evil.  Take note and pay attention.  Try to connect the dots.  Keep the children in your thoughts and prayers.  K.R. was convicted and found guilty on seven charges, he is to be sentenced in September.  Many of the people who were in this web of wickedness with him have already been spilling the beans.  It will be interesting to see if K.R. begins to sing like a canary.  If and when he does, there are going to be many well known people who shall certainly fall from grace.  The fall will be hard to take, when we realize how we have been deceived.  Hold tight to the truth, even though it may be very inconvenient.



Monday, June 17, 2019

My Confession

It seems I committed the ultimate sin in the world of being a writer.  My last blog, "A Fable", was not my own original content.  I stewed about this most of the day, after writing the story.  Had I really committed plagiarism?  I asked a trusted confidant, explained the situation and waited for a reply.  They agreed with my own feelings, yes, I had copied someone else's work.

The story came from a set of cards that I use.  I could easily tell my reading audience that they are scripture cards, something one looks at daily for inspiration, but that too, would not be the truth.  These cards are considered to be oracle cards....something that comes from the unknown, an outside source.

The cards are called "Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards".  The story behind them is as follows, taken from the back cover of the book that accompanies the cards: "Tori Hartman is a world-renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher.  Her motto, "Enlightenment Made Simple", refers to her desire to give people the support they need in order to do spiritual work on their own.  Born and raised in the free-thinking atmosphere of New York's Greenwich Village in the 1060s, Tori has been aware of her psychic abilities since the age of eight.  a series of encounters with angels that began 25 years ago, after a near-death experience, revealed the profound fables that were to form the basis of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle....."

In reality, the story, that I titled "A Fable", without even reading what was on the back cover of the book that came with the cards, referring to the stories as fables, was true, but not from me.

I could easily tell why I used the story, even though I did change some of the narrative, but that would just be an excuse to make folks think better of me.  

I can assure you that  the words I print from now on will be my own.  They may not be pretty and you may not agree with their content, but the source of them will be from deep within myself and my own research, which will be duly noted.     

So, to my readers, my deepest apologies and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reading tRuth As I See It.  

A Fable

Once upon a time, there was a person who was very despondent, depressed.  The person, Jo, was miserable.  Jo had no desire to do anything.  The more Jo thought about how terrible their life was, the worse Jo felt.  In utter frustration, Jo called out to who or whatever was listening and pleaded for help, or just a way out.

The suggestion Jo received was to get themselves cleaned up and then to do the same with the house.  Jo thought about that for awhile and decided that it could not hurt to try.  Jo took a long hot shower and picked out a favorite outfit to wear.  The house did look a mess, so Jo spent the entire day cleaning.  Jo put items back where they belonged, ran the sweeper and even dusted.  By the end of the day, Jo was mildly surprised to discover that they did feel a bit better.  

Awakening the next day, looking at the clean house, the depression returned.  Then something strange happened.  A violent storm swept into the area.  Tree limbs were snapping and the wind made the rain fall in a sideways direction.  Jo looked out the window to see a large tree fall on the neighbors' house.  Without thinking or hesitation, Jo ran out the front door, bounded off the front porch and ran to the neighbors' home.  The family who lived there were in a state of panic. Jo grabbed the two small children and called for the rest of the family to follow.  They made their way to Jo's house and Jo led the way to the basement, where they all took shelter, waiting for the storm to pass.

Jo had never felt so exuberant.  Jo felt more alive than they had in months, maybe even years.  Jo had just realized an important idea, that action requires reaction.  Jo looked back on the last couple of years and understood that sitting around doing nothing got the exact same results, nothing.  

From that point on, Jo turned their life around.  Jo took a daily walk.  Jo learned how to meditate.  Jo joined a local gym.  Jo found a group that liked to get together and discuss a topic that was one of Jo's favorites.  In short, Jo's action created reaction and created a life that Jo did not think was possible.

The moral of the story?  Get off the couch.  Move!  Do something each day, just for yourself.  Create your very own reaction.  Create a brand new you.

Monday, June 10, 2019

From The Desk of The Dog

Hi everyone!  It's me, Runtly!  The ever so entertaining Jack Russell Terrier!  JRT for short.  I'm so excited to share my tails of my recent road trip!  I got to see my Mama!  Mom says I used the wrong tail.....what does she know....she doesn't even have one.

I don't know if I have told you this before, but I really do not like riding in the car.  Only if it is up the street to the gas station, but anything more than that is terrifying.  

The first leg of the trip was just awful.  Mom gave me some stuff to make me sleepy, but it didn't work.  Mom and Dad finally stopped somewhere and Mom bought some more stuff to see if it would help.  It sorta helped, but not for very long.  Finally, at the end of a very long day, we stopped moving in the car.  There was a storm coming, so we stopped at the first available place.  It was a weird place but Mom says I have to leave that part out of the story. 

Anyway, I was sure glad to get out of the car and stretch my legs.  Mom and Dad try to get me to drink some water when they stop on the road.  I be too nervous to do anything but try and keep track of them.  One of them disappears into a building and I can't go with them and pretty soon they come out of the building and then the other one  disappears into the building!  It's so scary and confusing!  So, drinking is the least of my worries.   But, when we were stopped for the night, I was really hungry and thirsty.  I ate a whole bowl of food and drank a whole bunch of water and ate a whole bunch of green grass.

Later, after we had gone to bed, Mom got up and made her way to the bathroom.  Mom musta been in stealth mode and musta been wearing night vision glasses 'cause when she opened up the door to come out of the bathroom, she was greeted by the sight of what she called the "Mother of all land mine fields".  I had barfed.  Not just once.  Not just twice.  Let's just say that I distributed it all over the floor between the end of the bed and the door to the bathroom and Mom missed every pile!  Mom is so cool!  I think she was pretty happy about not stepping in it, but I stayed under my blankie, just in case.

I got to see my Momma!  Her name is Josie.  I learned how to play outdoor fetch.  It was so much fun running in wide open spaces and it made me weally tired.  I even got to stay all night at Momma's house!  Momma sleeps in her kennel, but I got to sleep with my peeps! One peep got tired of me hogging the bed so he opened the door to his brother's room and I finished off the night with that peep.  It was awesome!  One of Mom's pups says I'm spoiled and need a swat every once in awhile.  Mom told her I do not like swats.  Her pup told her that neither did she or her sister but that didn't seem to stop her from doing it.  Mom thought that was pretty funny.

Mom says I never forget stuff.  Stuff like people, places, other animals.  Remember that goose I told you about that pecked me and made me yelp?  Mom took me outside the other evening so I could pick up my collar-ball that I had strategically dropped off the deck.  She packed me outside without my leash.  When she put me on the ground so I could get my collar-ball, I spied that stupid goose and about 30 of his relatives over by the pond bank.  I took off like zero to 60 in less that 3 seconds!  I ran straight into that goose parade and it was on!  Mom said it looked like synchronized diving at the Olympics as one by one, those stupid geese made a break for the water.  Then, I turned around and ran back through what was left of the herd!  Mom says it's a flock, but who cares.  As I was makin' my last pass, I tripped and mowed right over the top of one of that stupid goose's kids and sent him rolling!  Mom said it was really scrambling to get back on its feet!  Yeah, I bet he was saying "feets don't fail me now!"  Boy oh boy, that was a lot of fun!   

Mom says I've gotten sidetracked from the original story.  Mom is just persnickety.  Anyway, I had a great time, but I sure be glad to be home.  Woof!